Fujifilm X-Pro1 + XF35mm f/1.4 R: 1/125s, f/1.4, ISO400
Childhood friend, Trisha, had returned to the islands for a minute so we found some scenery to catch up with each other at, then we found some food to talk about, and then picked up some fancy tea to savor. Trisha really likes her fancy tea drinks, so I enlisted the recommendations of a fellow connoisseur: my buddy Ryan’s daughter to impress her.
Fujifilm X-Pro1 + XF35mm f/1.4 R: 1/125s, f/1.4, ISO800
For this excursion, I brought the fun camera. “What is a fun camera?” Some may ask; and some may wonder why anyone would have more than 2 cameras? These are very reasonable questions/thoughts. I once contemplated the audacity of having more than 1 camera, even. A second camera as a back-up, or a situation that requires dual-wielding cameras (because the time it takes to switch lenses using just 1 camera is too long), I can understand a professional needing that. This third camera is special, I think. I purchased it from a good friend. It’s the first digital camera Fujifilm produced when they decided to get back into manufacturing cameras. The company’s ideals were the most pure. With the X-Pro 1, Fujifilm made a relatively affordable camera with the build quality, functionality, and physical aesthetics of classic mechanical rangefinder cameras that produced images with the most “film-like” quality to them. I paired the camera with one of Fujifilm’s first lenses for the new (at the time) camera which I have since retired from my main line-up. This third camera is not about the best image-quality, (though it still holds up!), it’s about character. One day I’ll have to write about image “character.”
Fujifilm X-Pro1 + XF35mm f/1.4 R: 1/125s, f/2, ISO200
Fans of the website (haha) might recognize the spot where these photos were taken. Here’s a hint: it’s one and the same as the homepage background. It had been a while since my last visit. There are even less places to park here than I remember!
Fujifilm X-Pro1 + XF35mm f/1.4 R: 1/125s, f/1.4, ISO800
There’s something to be said of production minimalism. One camera, one lens, a subject and nature. One reason there has been less landscape updates than usual as of late, is lack of inspiration. Seeing the same landscape scenes by themselves week after week, I started feeling like they’re missing something. That’s why I’m so grateful when my visiting friends are willing to accommodate me photographing them. I’ve started adding some subjects to my latest landscapes that I’ll share soon in another update. Stay tuned.
Fujifilm X-Pro1 + XF35mm f/1.4 R: 1/125s, f/2, ISO400
Thank you, Trisha, for the treats from the mainland 😉 and sharing some of your precious vacation time with me and sushi chef pink panther! Have a safe trip back to your newer home!